Install the 1Password CLI:
brew install 1password-cli
Have a vault named ENV
, or change the vault in the functions below.
reads a .env
file, pulls the specified secrets from 1Password, and injects them as environment variables into a command’s runtime. This ensures secrets are never stored in plaintext.
openv npm run dev
openv -f custom.env npm run dev
file paths using the -f
option.function openv {
local env_path=".env"
while getopts "f:" opt; do
case $opt in
f) env_path="$OPTARG" ;;
*) return 1 ;;
shift $((OPTIND-1))
op whoami || eval $(op signin)
op run --env-file="${env_path}" -- $@
retrieves secrets from a 1Password item and writes them to a .env
file. It can output raw secret values or op://
references for use with the 1Password CLI.
oppull projectname_local
oppull -f custom.env projectname_local
oppull -r projectname_local
function oppull {
local env_path=".env"
local raw=false
while getopts "f:r" opt; do
case $opt in
f) env_path="$OPTARG" ;;
r) raw=true ;;
*) return 1 ;;
shift $((OPTIND-1))
[[ -z "$1" ]] && { echo "Please provide an item name"; return 1; }
op whoami || eval $(op signin)
if [ "$raw" = true ]; then
op item get "$1" --format json | jq -r '.fields[] | select(.value != null) | "\(.label)=\(.value)"' > "$env_path"
op item get "$1" --format json | jq -r --arg item "$1" '.fields[] | select(.value != null) | "\(.label)=op://ENV/\($item)/\(.label)"' > "$env_path"
echo "✨ Successfully wrote secrets to $env_path"
saves environment variables from a .env
file to a 1Password item, creating a secure backup of your secrets.
oppush projectname_local
oppush -f custom.env projectname_local
file pathsfunction oppush {
local env_path=".env"
while getopts "f:" opt; do
case $opt in
f) env_path="$OPTARG" ;;
*) return 1 ;;
shift $((OPTIND-1))
[[ -z "$1" ]] && { echo "Please provide an item name"; return 1; }
[[ ! -f "$env_path" ]] && { echo "❌ Environment file $env_path not found"; return 1; }
op whoami || eval $(op signin)
if op item get "$1" --vault ENV &>/dev/null; then
echo "⚠️ Item '$1' already exists. Creating backup..."
op item get "$1" --vault ENV --format json > "$1.backup.json"
echo '{"title":"'$1'","category":"LOGIN","fields":[]}' > temp_item.json
while IFS='=' read -r key value || [ -n "$key" ]; do
[[ -z "$key" || "$key" == \#* ]] && continue
value=$(echo "$value" | sed -e 's/^'//' -e 's/'$//')
tmp=$(jq --arg k "$key" --arg v "$value" '.fields += [{"id": $k, "label": $k, "value": $v, "type": "CONCEALED"}]' temp_item.json)
echo "$tmp" > temp_item.json
done < "$env_path"
op item create --vault ENV --template temp_item.json
rm temp_item.json
echo "✨ Successfully saved $env_path to 1Password as '$1'"
These Zsh functions make managing environment variables with 1Password both secure and efficient. By leveraging openv
, oppull
, and oppush
, you can inject secrets into your workflow seamlessly, pull them from 1Password, and even back them up to your vault.
Add these functions to your ~/.zshrc
to get started.