The cheatsheet for choosing the right CSS easing functions
CSS easing functions control the timing of animations, making them feel smoother and more natural. Here's a simple guide to selecting the right one:
- Enter/exit animations: Use
to create a smooth deceleration as elements leave or appear on the screen. Example: A modal fading out or a dropdown menu sliding into view. - Position changes: For elements already on the screen and moving between positions, choose
. It ensures smooth acceleration and deceleration. Example: A card rearranging itself in a grid. - Constant animations (e.g., marquee): Use
for consistent, even motion without any variation in speed. Example: marquee. - Hover effects: Most hover animations work well with
, creating subtle, natural transitions. Example: A button slightly enlarging on hover.
Default to ease-out
for most cases. Avoid using ease-in
, as it can make animations feel abrupt and less polished.
This simple approach helps ensure your animations feel smooth and intuitive.